In recent years, helium availability and pricing has fluctuated throughout the market chain.  This can have an effect on suppliers and users alike, as sellers may have reduced amounts to sell, which increases pricing for those trying to buy, assuming they can even buy the amounts they need.

In preparation of the gasworld Helium Summit in Houston this year ( Information on the summit here ), AET was interviewed by gasworld’s Joanna Sampson.  It was a pleasure to talk over how we see changes in the helium market as a supplier of related equipment.


“Don’t waste your helium, there are ways to get more out of it.”

That’s the message from Ability Engineering Technology (AET)’s President and CEO Eugene Botsoe and Commercial Business Leader Mike Maurisak.

For the second time in 12 months, the industry is staring at the prospect of another global helium shortage.

Back in early February, gasworld reported that helium markets were again experiencing tight supply conditions. Though premature to declare a shortage, and in the knowledge that helium market conditions might not even reach….

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