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Ability Engineering Technology Inc. has a long history of providing services to those looking for vessel and piping repairs and refurbishment. Often at AET we get requests to re-certify vessels that have been in long-standing running condition. We also hold a NBIC, National Board Inspection Code“R” Stamp for the Repair of ASME S.VIII D.1 Pressure Vessels

Our services for repair and refurbishment include but are not limited to:

  • Re-Qualification
  • System Upgrades
  • ASME Registration

There are 4 main requirements in receiving and maintaining a NBIC “R” Stamp.

  1. To have and an inspection agreement with an authorized inspector.
  1. To have a written quality system that complies with the requirements of the current edition of the National Board Inspection Code (NBIC) and includes the expected scope of activities,  AET’s quality manual is regularly internally audited to assure best practices.
  1. To have the current edition of all parts of the NBIC.
  1. To have available a copy of the code of construction appropriate for the intended scope of work. In our case, ASME Section VIII Div 1 is applicable.

Can an “R” Stamp be used to repair vessels on-site?

Absolutely, an “R” stamp can be utilized to repair a vessel where it lies within our working area.  Additionally, we can perform any site-required safety training as necessary to comply with company regulations for contractors.

Contact Information

Ability Engineering Technology, Inc.

16140 South Vincennes Avenue | South Holland, Illinois
Postal Code: 60473 | United States of America

Phone: +1 (708) 331-0025   |   Fax: +1 (708) 331-5090

ASME Section VIII Div 1. U | UM

ISO 9001:2015
Cage Code: 3W141

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